Welcome to the Fun Gramma Site

I am Gramma Brooks.

FunGramma Mission

I aim to keep in contact with my distant grandchildren through this website by providing fun interactive activities and details about me and about the Pacific Northwest.

I have so much I want to share with my kids and now that some are so far away, I find that it is hard to keep in touch. 

My love language is time spent and since I will not be able to spend face-to-face time with everyone, I decided to try this virtual Gramma method.

I intend to share my life experiences with others and focus on activities that emphasize the Pacific Northwest so my distant kids can still experience the Northwest activities.

This website will allow everyone to view the details shared here at convenient times of the day especially since we are all in different time zones!   

Talk to me

Have any questions or suggestions?  I am always interested in growing and learning new things.  Please share your ideas with me.